Worship Lifestyle


It’s important to find that place of intimacy with the Lord; where we let Him come to us the way we need. We shouldn’t compare our experiences of worship with others, it can bring on judgment. Our relationship and worship with the Lord is unique to each one of us.

The Rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David


Cindy Jacobs shares that the calling of the church is to keep the fire burning on the altar. Twenty-four hour worship brings a connection from heaven to earth. God is going to begin something where we are going to worship with intention.

CSCL Principal Sandy Woods speaks about CSCL being a place where learning is fun and innovative. She describes the school curriculum and gives examples of graduate success stories. But she also encourages us to walk in our destiny with success.

Avoiding Shipwreck


Rick Joyner: Avoiding Shipwreck
Focusing on the lessons in I Timothy 1:18-19 and Acts 27 helps us to understand how to avoid suffering shipwreck in our lives.
Four main factors caused the shipwreck that Paul was on:
1) Dissatisfaction in their circumstances.
2) Impatience-they were in a hurry to get to Rome.
3) They got a clear word from the Lord about what was coming but didn't heed it.
4) Being dependent on circumstances to give them direction, instead of being led by the Spirit.

Bishop E. W. Jackson:
Isaiah 6:8 is the focus of his message, Answering the Call.