Angelic Hosts


Josh Baldwin leads worship with songs including "Hallelujah to the King," "Grace" and "I Love Your Presence." Todd Bentley teaches about the various ministries of angels. Todd shares personal testimonies of angelic encounters and teaches using Biblical examples.

Purpose of Revival


Todd Bentley gives testimony of God’s call on his life to bring revival. Others carry this call as well. Revival will break out simultaneously in one hundred different cities all over the world. Todd shares testimonies of healings, miracles, signs, and wonders from heaven and prays an impartation for those who want to walk in these things.


The 5 Disciplines of Kingdom Transformation


Dave Yarnes teaches on how to live as an overcomer. He encourages us to advance to the top of our mountain of influence so we can impact the world.

Rick Joyner shares on the times ahead and stirs listeners to get ready!

Andrew Armstrong reminds us that Jesus is always with us.  Friendship with God is what it’s all about. Andrew warns us that we easily fall into the trap of doing things for God instead of walking in friendship with God.


Bringing the Glory Home


An inspired time of worship is lead by Josh Baldwin, with songs including "Door Keeper" "Praises" and "After You." Rick Joyner shares stories of times past when God moved at MorningStar. Rick teaches on bringing the Glory of God home with us. Jason Hooper shares a personal dream and teaches on receiving recompense in our finances. The night ends with a time of declaration and prayer.