A New Name Bridgett LemosBrandon LoganLaSaunda Logan2-11-21Bridgett Lemos shares a dream about our new identity in the kingdom.
Our Magnificent Obsession Bridgett LemosBrandon LoganLaSaunda Logan2-4-21Bridgett Lemos shares a dream about unconventional thinking.
The River of Water of Life Bridgett LemosBrandon LoganLaSaunda Logan1-28-21Bridgett Lemos shares two dreams about the river of the water of life.
Inheriting Promises Bridgett Lemos7-23-20Bridgett Lemos tells a personal story and shares about how we inherit the promises of God.
From Chaos to Beauty Bridgett Lemos7-16-20Bridgett Lemos shares a dream about individual destiny. ...
Seeing & Hearing Bridgett LemosBonnie Jones7-2-20Bridgett Lemos & Bonnie Jones have a conversation about hearing God.
Dance of Two Armies Bridgett Lemos6-18-20Join Bridgett Lemos as she shares a dream about the bride of Christ.
Simplicity of Truth Bridgett Lemos6-4-20Join Bridgett Lemos as she shares a dream about the simplicity of Truth.