Pitfalls of the Prophetic


Rick share pitfalls of the prophetic ministry. These pitfalls include

- Feeling like we have to get it perfect.
- Taking on the feelings the Lord gives us as our own.
- Going beyond the revelation the Lord has given us.
- You don't have to tell them how you know the information you have.
- Thinking what we feel is what God feels. (The only way to learn this is by experience)
- The fear of man

Rick also discusses the levels of prophetic revelation that all happen today including Impressions, visions, open visions, angelic visitations, being caught up before the Lord.

Power of Perception


Jorge says the Missions office at Morningstar releases thousands of people into the nations around the world on short-term mission trips. Jorge shares some stories of adventures on those trips. Jorge says we need to have God’s word written on our hearts so that we can speak when it’s time and will know what to say. There is power in our perception and therefore in our reaction to the supernatural. We need to be lips of clay to speak the Father’s heart to encourage others.



The Lord told Brad that He wanted to set people free tonight from witchcraft, demonic activity, spells, hexes, and evil. He explains what deliverance is like and how it can happen right now. He challenges us to have courage and to seek the deeper places of God’s anointing.

The Compassion of Jesus


In tonight's session, Nathan Scott gives a compelling insight into the dynamics of prophetic ministry. He addresses some of the ways in which believers open themselves up to dissapointment or feelings of rejection through the attitudes and motivations harbored while ministering. Our focus must not be on results, it must be on the Lord out of a place of love. Anointing is released when we are solely concerned with seeing and fulfilling the will of our Father for others.

The Miracles of Christ: Healing


Justin Perry then shares in the main message about deliverance being a sign of healing and the Lord defeating Satan and destroying the works of the devil.  Justin leads a prayer on destroying the works of the devil – and God having all authority and power.  Justin then leads an altar call for people with ailments from words of knowledge given.