December 11, 2017
FROM Rick Joyner to MFM & MFC Members,
Obviously 2017 saw significant changes in the world, but the spiritual changes may be even more profound. As is often typical, the changes in the natural are a reflection of changes that are unfolding in the spiritual. Both are great opportunities for the discerning, and the prepared.
If President Trump is a modern model of King Cyrus of Is.45 as Lance Walnau has contended, and I agree with, the most important thing King Cyrus did was mandate that the temple in Jerusalem be rebuilt. He also made provision for this out of his own treasury. For this reason I think Trump’s election is a sign of one of the most important things that we get engaged in—being the remnant that is resolved to return to the place of our inheritance, and seeing the temple, the church, rebuilt. For this reason there is a special grace coming upon those with this resolve.
The restored temple was promised to have a greater glory. The glory of the last day church is going to be greater than the early church. For the glory to be revealed there first must be a restored temple. For Trump to just recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is another prophetic event that it is time. As great as this declaration by our President was, it is but a reflection of something much greater happening in the Spirit.
In October I went to Jerusalem for the first time, and my first thought as I looked down on it from the Mount of Olives was that now I really understand why we need a new one! As a lover of history there is no greater historic site on the earth than Jerusalem, and I loved it. I want to always honor the old and pray for its peace, and for those who labor so hard and so faithfully in it today. It is a beautiful and exciting city, but my trust is not in the old Jerusalem, but the new one.
I say this to make a point about our vision as MFM/MFC. We have sought to always respect all denominations and movements, and to honor our spiritual fathers and mothers by remembering them, recounting their history and genuinely appreciating what those who went before us accomplished. We want to learn every lesson that we can from them, but we also must understand that we are not going back to those times, but forward into the future. We are not the first century church, but the 21st century church.
Every year that passes we are in a more desperate need of a new wineskin for church life. This year this new wineskin has taken more definition than any time I can remember. Since I was a new believer and first perceived the high purpose of the church, I have been a devoted lover of the church, regardless of her present condition. As we see at the end of the Book of Revelation, the New Jerusalem is the bride, the wife of The Lamb, which is the church.
Our King deserves a bride without spot or wrinkle. I have been devoted to doing what I can to help prepare her for her coming King for nearly fifty years now. I think we have done some good, but there really does not seem to have been much accomplished to date. Even so, if she is moved in just the slightest way toward her destiny I will consider it all worthwhile. If it appears outwardly if nothing has happened, but rather the church has even backslid, the eyes of my heart tell me differently. She is being changed from the inside out, and the last to be noticed will be the externals.
There has actually been great change in the church, and probably the most dramatic change of all is now eminent. This being said, not all who call themselves Christians are true followers of Christ, and not all who we may think to be the church are in fact the church. Bob Jones told me several times that only about 10% of what we think of as the church is actually the church that God recognizes. If we study the qualifications that Jesus Himself gave for being His disciple we would probably think that the percentage is even much less if the church is made up of His true disciples.
My point in bringing this up is that with devotion to respect and honor the whole body of Christ, knowing that we are but one small part of His body, we must also be willing to be radically different from most. True Christianity in its most basic form was the most revolutionary force the world has ever known, and the closer we get to what we are called to be the more revolutionary we will be. The closer we get to our purpose the more threatening we will be to the establishment, or those who have succumbed to an institutionalized faith rather than the radical life true disciples will live.
In the U.S., in the natural, politically and governmentally, we are in the first stages of another revolution. Its devotion will be to restore the nation to its revolutionary roots, and to the Constitution that are our mooring to all that was accomplished in that revolution. The same is true of the church, we are in the first stages of another revolution that will restore us to the faith in its purest form as was delivered to the first apostles. We will see true apostolic Christianity restored to the earth.
One of our mandates at MorningStar is to know the times, to know what God is doing, and to help prepare His people for the times. A main way we seek to fulfill this is to be prepared for the great harvest that will be at the end of this age. The main way we are to be prepared for this is for the church to become the pure, spotless bride that she is called to be, and that our King deserves. The church becoming all that it is called to be is a main key to the harvest, but it is also the highest calling we can have in this life to help prepare The King’s bride.
In the last two months I had two of the most expansive prophetic revelations I have yet received. Each was so expansive that I felt immediately that a lifetime would not be long enough just to process them, much less articulate them. I was then shown that they are linked to “the eternal gospel.” I always thought this was the simple gospel just being recounted for eternity. Now I see that the gospel of Jesus Christ is so expansive that for eternity we will still be learning more about it, and will be perpetually fascinated and marveling about it. It will be the greatest story ever told to the entire creation, and the creation will love it an honor it forever. We are actually players in the story, one of the most honored positions for eternity.
There is no other subject in all of creation as interesting and expansive as that which we are called to preach. How can we not love this job? How can we not wake up in awe and wonder each day? What we are called to do at even the smallest gathering of His people is more important than playing in any championship. But we can only give what we have received. The quality of the food that we serve to God’s household will be determined by the quality of the food we are consuming ourselves. In this case it is right to be very picky about our food, and demand only the best, and serve only the best.
As I have been receiving a much deeper revelation of Jesus, and the house that He wants to dwell in, I’ve also seen that He is raising up many with the heart of David who had to have The Ark with them, which represents the manifest presence of The Lord. Like David, they will not be able to rest until He has a place to rest in His people. Like true friends of the Bridegroom, they will be resolute in their devotion for Him to have a bride that is worthy of our King.
That bride is a city as we see in Rev.21. This was the city that Abraham saw that compelled him to leave everything he knew and wander in places where he did not know where he was going. But Abraham did know what he was looking for. His life devotion was to be a part of what God is building, not men. This is the compelling vision of every true sojourner and seeker of God. Do we see this city? Will we, like Abraham, be willing to risk everything and leave what we have known, to wander in places we may not understand for a time, to find and take our place in the city that God is building?
Christianity was the most radical force the world has ever known when it first appeared. Then it became institutionalized, a part of the establishment, and traded its supernatural power for mere political power. From that point on its advancement were built on human alliances and human influence rather than the will and power of God. The Reformation began the breakaway from that institutional “Saul’s armor,” and every further break from this has resulted in further reformation of the church. The Reformation is not complete, and what is left to do may be even more than what has yet been accomplished the last 500 years. Even so, the rest can be achieved quickly, even in a small fraction of the time that the Reformation we’ve had so far has taken.
So let 2018 be a year that we press far beyond the limits of our devotion that we have walked in before. We are called to be a part of the greatest revolution. We can expect the tensions between the forces that hold men in bondage, and the new revolution to increase for the next two years. In 2020 the revolution will be apparent to all. Now is to time to start stockpiling your spiritual arms and ammunition, and to guard them. Just as the Revolution in 1776 began when the British tried to seize the arms of the patriots, this is a spiritual parallel.
Now is the time for us to return to the radical, revolutionary nature of our call. So, my prayer for you this year is that you grow “in the hope of His calling,” that hope and vision would be a special diet for you this year, and that you convey it to others wherever you go, and through all that you preach and do.
Please continue in your prayers for all of our members who are in stress, especially Red and Trish Wilson. Thank you for your continued friendship and devotion to serving The Lord together. Please feel free to copy and distribute this letter to any of your ministry, church members or friends as you see fit.
Yours in Him,

Rick Joyner
FROM Rick Joyner to MFM & MFC Members,
Obviously 2017 saw significant changes in the world, but the spiritual changes may be even more profound. As is often typical, the changes in the natural are a reflection of changes that are unfolding in the spiritual. Both are great opportunities for the discerning, and the prepared.
If President Trump is a modern model of King Cyrus of Is.45 as Lance Walnau has contended, and I agree with, the most important thing King Cyrus did was mandate that the temple in Jerusalem be rebuilt. He also made provision for this out of his own treasury. For this reason I think Trump’s election is a sign of one of the most important things that we get engaged in—being the remnant that is resolved to return to the place of our inheritance, and seeing the temple, the church, rebuilt. For this reason there is a special grace coming upon those with this resolve.
The restored temple was promised to have a greater glory. The glory of the last day church is going to be greater than the early church. For the glory to be revealed there first must be a restored temple. For Trump to just recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is another prophetic event that it is time. As great as this declaration by our President was, it is but a reflection of something much greater happening in the Spirit.
In October I went to Jerusalem for the first time, and my first thought as I looked down on it from the Mount of Olives was that now I really understand why we need a new one! As a lover of history there is no greater historic site on the earth than Jerusalem, and I loved it. I want to always honor the old and pray for its peace, and for those who labor so hard and so faithfully in it today. It is a beautiful and exciting city, but my trust is not in the old Jerusalem, but the new one.
I say this to make a point about our vision as MFM/MFC. We have sought to always respect all denominations and movements, and to honor our spiritual fathers and mothers by remembering them, recounting their history and genuinely appreciating what those who went before us accomplished. We want to learn every lesson that we can from them, but we also must understand that we are not going back to those times, but forward into the future. We are not the first century church, but the 21st century church.
Every year that passes we are in a more desperate need of a new wineskin for church life. This year this new wineskin has taken more definition than any time I can remember. Since I was a new believer and first perceived the high purpose of the church, I have been a devoted lover of the church, regardless of her present condition. As we see at the end of the Book of Revelation, the New Jerusalem is the bride, the wife of The Lamb, which is the church.
Our King deserves a bride without spot or wrinkle. I have been devoted to doing what I can to help prepare her for her coming King for nearly fifty years now. I think we have done some good, but there really does not seem to have been much accomplished to date. Even so, if she is moved in just the slightest way toward her destiny I will consider it all worthwhile. If it appears outwardly if nothing has happened, but rather the church has even backslid, the eyes of my heart tell me differently. She is being changed from the inside out, and the last to be noticed will be the externals.
There has actually been great change in the church, and probably the most dramatic change of all is now eminent. This being said, not all who call themselves Christians are true followers of Christ, and not all who we may think to be the church are in fact the church. Bob Jones told me several times that only about 10% of what we think of as the church is actually the church that God recognizes. If we study the qualifications that Jesus Himself gave for being His disciple we would probably think that the percentage is even much less if the church is made up of His true disciples.
My point in bringing this up is that with devotion to respect and honor the whole body of Christ, knowing that we are but one small part of His body, we must also be willing to be radically different from most. True Christianity in its most basic form was the most revolutionary force the world has ever known, and the closer we get to what we are called to be the more revolutionary we will be. The closer we get to our purpose the more threatening we will be to the establishment, or those who have succumbed to an institutionalized faith rather than the radical life true disciples will live.
In the U.S., in the natural, politically and governmentally, we are in the first stages of another revolution. Its devotion will be to restore the nation to its revolutionary roots, and to the Constitution that are our mooring to all that was accomplished in that revolution. The same is true of the church, we are in the first stages of another revolution that will restore us to the faith in its purest form as was delivered to the first apostles. We will see true apostolic Christianity restored to the earth.
One of our mandates at MorningStar is to know the times, to know what God is doing, and to help prepare His people for the times. A main way we seek to fulfill this is to be prepared for the great harvest that will be at the end of this age. The main way we are to be prepared for this is for the church to become the pure, spotless bride that she is called to be, and that our King deserves. The church becoming all that it is called to be is a main key to the harvest, but it is also the highest calling we can have in this life to help prepare The King’s bride.
In the last two months I had two of the most expansive prophetic revelations I have yet received. Each was so expansive that I felt immediately that a lifetime would not be long enough just to process them, much less articulate them. I was then shown that they are linked to “the eternal gospel.” I always thought this was the simple gospel just being recounted for eternity. Now I see that the gospel of Jesus Christ is so expansive that for eternity we will still be learning more about it, and will be perpetually fascinated and marveling about it. It will be the greatest story ever told to the entire creation, and the creation will love it an honor it forever. We are actually players in the story, one of the most honored positions for eternity.
There is no other subject in all of creation as interesting and expansive as that which we are called to preach. How can we not love this job? How can we not wake up in awe and wonder each day? What we are called to do at even the smallest gathering of His people is more important than playing in any championship. But we can only give what we have received. The quality of the food that we serve to God’s household will be determined by the quality of the food we are consuming ourselves. In this case it is right to be very picky about our food, and demand only the best, and serve only the best.
As I have been receiving a much deeper revelation of Jesus, and the house that He wants to dwell in, I’ve also seen that He is raising up many with the heart of David who had to have The Ark with them, which represents the manifest presence of The Lord. Like David, they will not be able to rest until He has a place to rest in His people. Like true friends of the Bridegroom, they will be resolute in their devotion for Him to have a bride that is worthy of our King.
That bride is a city as we see in Rev.21. This was the city that Abraham saw that compelled him to leave everything he knew and wander in places where he did not know where he was going. But Abraham did know what he was looking for. His life devotion was to be a part of what God is building, not men. This is the compelling vision of every true sojourner and seeker of God. Do we see this city? Will we, like Abraham, be willing to risk everything and leave what we have known, to wander in places we may not understand for a time, to find and take our place in the city that God is building?
Christianity was the most radical force the world has ever known when it first appeared. Then it became institutionalized, a part of the establishment, and traded its supernatural power for mere political power. From that point on its advancement were built on human alliances and human influence rather than the will and power of God. The Reformation began the breakaway from that institutional “Saul’s armor,” and every further break from this has resulted in further reformation of the church. The Reformation is not complete, and what is left to do may be even more than what has yet been accomplished the last 500 years. Even so, the rest can be achieved quickly, even in a small fraction of the time that the Reformation we’ve had so far has taken.
So let 2018 be a year that we press far beyond the limits of our devotion that we have walked in before. We are called to be a part of the greatest revolution. We can expect the tensions between the forces that hold men in bondage, and the new revolution to increase for the next two years. In 2020 the revolution will be apparent to all. Now is to time to start stockpiling your spiritual arms and ammunition, and to guard them. Just as the Revolution in 1776 began when the British tried to seize the arms of the patriots, this is a spiritual parallel.
Now is the time for us to return to the radical, revolutionary nature of our call. So, my prayer for you this year is that you grow “in the hope of His calling,” that hope and vision would be a special diet for you this year, and that you convey it to others wherever you go, and through all that you preach and do.
Please continue in your prayers for all of our members who are in stress, especially Red and Trish Wilson. Thank you for your continued friendship and devotion to serving The Lord together. Please feel free to copy and distribute this letter to any of your ministry, church members or friends as you see fit.
Yours in Him,

Rick Joyner