Reference Forms

The online application process includes automatic emails to your identified references. If you prefer to provide your references with a paper copy, you can click here to download


MFM memberships are per individual. Upon acceptance, MFM members gain access to the several benefits listed below.

When accompanied by the MFM member, checked benefits may be extended to the member's spouse and his/her children. This includes the privilege of using the MFM member's membership card to receive select qualifying discounts.

Starred benefits are available only to MFM members. Married couples who both wish to have direct and full access to all member benefits should submit separate applications.

✓ Valuable connections with ministry leaders worldwide

✓ Exclusive presentations from MorningStar leaders

✓ Access to seasoned MFM Elders

✓ Invitation to monthly MFM video calls

✓ Access to free online leadership training and select MorningStar digital products

✓ Annual MFM Face2Face Spring Retreat

✓ MFM 2x2 Sponsorship to help new members integrate and make connections

✓ Access to prophetic councils, intercessory prayer, and dream interpretation

✓ Invitation to regional or international round tables and other exclusive MFM events

✓ Exclusive access to the MFM Skybox lounge

✓ Optional listing on our public MFM directory

✓ Promotion and sharing of select member products

✓ 20% discount on a range of MorningStar products, services and events

★ Member account with access to MFM's soon to be released exclusive online training and equipping platform

★ MFM ordination application after 1 year of membership

★ MorningStar Fellowship of Churches (MFC) application option after 1 year of membership

While we consider those who have completed the application to be overcomers already, we prayerfully review each application on several levels. We look forward to reviewing your submitted information once we have received your application along with your photo, submissions by your references, and your $25 application fee. Our office will follow up with you within approximately 30 days once we receive all your required documents and complete the application process.

Upon acceptance you will receive:


Welcome Packet

An MFM Welcome Packet with helpful information as you begin your membership.


MFM Dues 

Information on the payment of dues in support of the MFM ministry ($20 monthly or $240 annually).


Getting Started

Further details on the many benefits of MFM and how to begin connecting including:

  • MFM annual Spring conference
  • Monthly leadership video calls and other events
  • MorningStar discounts and more...