Ministry Vision:

    We want to offer to assist those who believe God is leading them

    here with the following:


    We want to help persons to know God experientially as stated by

    Jesus in John 17:3. This means spending time with Him in prayer,

    praise, worship, and in the Bible.

    We want to encourage all people that you can hear God’s voice.

    He wants to speak to you about your life, your family’s life,

    and the things that concern you (John 10:27).

    We want to teach the basics of the Word of God and inspire others

    to read and study the Bible for themselves. Since all concepts

    about God, if they are true, must be drawn from the Bible

    (Matthew 24:35).

    Everyone has been called to ministry. Approximately 97% of every

    congregation has a ministry outside the church (e.g., mother,

    teacher, construction worker, nurse). We want to help equip

    (Ephesians 4:12) those who come here to minister in the home and

    marketplace where you are called to serve the purposes of God

    (Acts 13:36).

    Ministry Role: My/our role is to share God's love and God's word

    with a hurting world.

    Ministry Address: 919 Yorktown Rd, Yorktown, VA, 23693

    Phone Number: 757-867-8477


114 Lafayette Rd