Ministry Vision: Activating Volunteers helps individuals and ministries discover their spiritual gifts and the dream they were uniquely created for, and assists them to step into that dream.  Everyone can achieve the success they dream of by doing work they love and were created to do.

Ministry Role: Coaching and Consulting led by Holy Spirit

Ministry Address: 130 Riviera Dunes Way #904, Palmetto, FL, 34221

For your reference, some of the services I provide for ministries and individuals:

"Conversation NOT Confrontation" is a Communications Style Consultation for pre-marital couples or those seeking to improve communications within their family.

"Understanding Me" is a Communication, Behavioral and Leadership Style Consultation for an individual. It is excellent for those looking to find the right fit in a job, or for those needing to reduce conflict in their life.

"Understanding Me Communicating with You" is a Communication Workshop for a group of almost any size.

"Behavioral Styles, Leadership Tendencies & Team Building” is a Workshop for developing and improving Leadership Teams in Ministry and Business

"Eradicating the 80/20” is a Workshop for effectively engaging volunteers in ministries and non-profit organizations. The numbers show 20% actively volunteer and 80% passively volunteer - there are keys that will move the 80% from passive to active in your organization.

