Dealing with Terrorism


Dr. Andrew P Surace

“And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

- Matthew 10:28 -

We live in an age where terrorism is a very critical and much talked about subject.  Whether you turn on the news, pick up the paper or watch network television; terrorism has become a household subject that is being dealt with in a variety of ways by a variety of venues.  When you stop and think about it, it seems almost unreal that a few misguided people have captured the attention of the entire human race.  Because of their misguided zeal and persistent threatening’s, however, we are spending untold millions of dollars to protect ourselves from a few angry people that couldn’t fill an apartment building in New York City and yet almost destroyed the soul of that great city. 

The reason terrorism is such a dangerous and serious issue is because it can take place anywhere, anytime, to anyone.  There are no rules, no boundaries no uniforms and no prisoners. To further complicate matters, terrorism is a war of values that is almost impossible to win because terrorists believe death is an honor and most people believe that the winner is usually the one who stays alive.  Whenever your battle is against someone who does not value life, you are in a battle that can have no winner.  A war fought over different values really can never be won unless both sides agree on what is truth.  As of now Truth is out crying in the streets and not many are listening 

You might be thinking, “How can a few misguided people who could not even fill an apartment building in New York City almost destroy the heart of this nation?”  Let me give you an example of how something almost invisible can take down a much more formidable opponent.  Growing up, I had a friend who had a huge St. Bernard dog.  As a young child this dog seemed almost like a small horse.  One day, a flea bit the dog. No big deal right?  A few days later after much scratching, the bite became infected and eventually that huge dog that was once larger than life succumbed to death.  This is an example of what I am talking about; an almost invisible flea taking out a huge St Bernard dog.  In many ways this is a clear example of how terrorism works.  Neither the big dog nor the dog’s owner took the flea seriously yet the flea won. 

The parallel is simple.  Small things can do great damage if we don’t handle them correctly, or worse, pretend they do not exist.  The greatest weapon a terrorist has is fear--fear that at any time you or your loved one could be their next victim.  So here are a few tips that can help us go on living productive lives without paying much mind to the threats of those that are evil. 

The Bible warns us to be vigilant because we have an enemy who goes around as a roaring lion seeking whom it may devour (1 peter 5:8), but it also says that Christ is at the right hand of God diligently making intercession for us (Rom. 8:34).   We also must be diligent in our dealings with people; listening to the still voice of God.  We must decide when to make adjustments in our day or simply make a quick exit from a situation if necessary.

 We are blessed to have a country that is doing all it can do to fight these veiled threats of destruction and while the government is a great help, it is no match for a Spirit led person diligently seeking to hear the voice of God.  As Christians we have the most powerful weapon on the earth, our love and trust in God.

 As I said before, fear of the unknown is the greatest weapon of a terrorist.  The Bible tells us that His perfect love casts out fear, and His love will bring us peace and a sound mind. Finally, whether you stay put or you leave your home, trust the hand of God to keep you and your loved ones wherever they may go.  Know that no terrorist can shorten even one minute off the life of a person that God has declared to live.  Also know Christ has taken the sting out of death.  If you or I should die for any reason then praise God, because the best is yet to come!  A terrorist may be able to take your life but not your eternity or your reward!