Rick talks about the gifts of discernment, prophetic and what to do with our revelations. He talks about the importance of being in a place of authority before you share your insights.
Rick Joyner teaches on how all things are summed up in Christ. Rick stresses our need to make Jesus the center of every truth. Robin McMillan shares on pursuing God as a 'Fountain of Living Water.'
Rick shares on the heartbeat of God found in John 17. Our prayers and worship on earth touch God in a way that worship in heaven cannot.
Dave Yarnes teaches on the importance of knowing our purpose and being rightly positioned in it so that we can impact the world for Christ.
Rick Joyner challenges us to go deeper in our relationship with Lord and in true fellowship with one another.
Rick Joyner, Loni Rex, and Dave Yarnes - New Year's Eve Discussion: Loni and Dave share stories about Oral Roberts in the beginning of his ministry; and Loni tells about Oral getting on television and radio for the first time and staying on the air for twenty-four years. He also shares the work he did with T. L. Osborne and exciting stories about working in Russia with Putin and Gorbachev.
Dave Yarnes shares that the anointing is going to come for business. In Romans 1:11-12 we read how we should be mutually encouraged by each other's faith. He draws a parallel between the Pharisees not seeing the anointing in Jesus and Numbers 13:32, where the Israelites gave a bad report about the Promised Land. During our times, the bad reports coming through the television news should not be the grid that we judge the times by.
Rick Joyner urges us to be careful how we hear what's being said about our times. We need to read the times by understanding where we've been.