Food For The Heart
Cody White shares a ten-minute message on loving God, serving and finishes by saying works do not work.
Kamran then shares the main message on God being love itself - and having a personality just like you and I.
Cody White shares a ten-minute message on loving God, serving and finishes by saying works do not work.
Kamran then shares the main message on God being love itself - and having a personality just like you and I.
Suzy talks about the breath of God, revealing the life of God through worship, worshiping him in spirit and truth, and listening and obeying the voice of God as best as you can.
Kamran Yaraei tells his personal story about growing up as a Persian. He describes the difference between religion and relationship with God. Kamran gives his personal testimony.
Kamran and Suzy Yaraei take over the evening session and share their vision of their church, Chocolate Church.
Andrew Armstrong – Ministry – Andrew spends time ministering and equipping the youth with the Spirit.
Kamran Yaraei – Jesus wants us to have a deep and meaningful relation ship with Him. We must get to know the person of Jesus and learn to see Him in the big things and little things.
This special service is all about worship. Suzy, Kamran, and Stephen lead an incredible time of honoring got with our praise.
Kamran Yaraei gives his testimony as a former shiite muslim who has had an encounter with Jesus Christ. Kamran and Suzy pray a prayer of blessing over America.