MorningStar Fellowship Sunday Services Video
MorningStar Fellowship Sunday Services Video
Rick discusses a prophetic picture of world events, including China, America, and Japan and how it's affecting modern day culture.
He goes on to share that everything will be shaken "Will Be Shaken", except for the kingdom of God. Rick also mentions how pruning is done right before great growth and he believes more growth is coming this fall.
Rick Joyner shares a message on Isaiah 58. This word has been burning on his heart for the last few years and he felt the urgent need to share it once more.
Rick Joyner shares a message how people need to be free to worship the way they want to worship because God has created us all differently. God loves diversity. We have liberty and freedom to believe whatever opinions on The Bible we would like, but we can’t declare our opinions as doctrine.
Chris Updegraft and Mikey Marrero lead worship with songs including "Breathe on Me" and "I Will Remember You." Ed Silvoso teaches a message about the current global economic crisis. Ed provides remarkable insight on the economy and proposes a revolutionary solution.
Rick continues in sharing revelation he has on the new year to come, as well as answer questions from around the body of Christ.
Justin Perry teaches on how to live life with prophetic evangelism. He also gives examples and leads a live activation.
Sunday AM Service 1-6-13
Ten-Minute Speaker – Tim Flachman: During MorningStar’s recent 40-day fast, Tim heard the word ‘Dunkirk’. Some of the intercessors heard the same word. God used this word to tell Tim some surprising things about the presidential election.
Paulette Wooten leads worship with songs including "Draw Near" and "Revelation Song." Bob and Bonnie Jones deliver a prophetic word for the church from Isaiah 20. Brad McClendon teaches about changing our mindset to increase our vision.