MorningStar Fellowship Sunday Services Video
MorningStar Fellowship Sunday Services Video
Join us for an inspiring message from Rick Joyner and for our annual Comenius School for Creative Leadership graduation service.
Today's speaker, Pastor Rick Joyner, talked about tithing is New Covenant and offerings still touch the Lord's heart.
Josh Baldwin leads worship with the songs, "They That Wait" "Praises" and "I Love Your Presence". Rick Joyner continues to share personal stories, prophetic words, and testimonies from the prophetic history of MorningStar Ministries.
Graduation of CSCL:
Rick addresses the graduates and audience about the judgment seat of Christ and how we stand there guiltless because of what Jesus did for us. God’s justice is always laced with mercy. In Proverbs 24:16 it says we fall but we get back up and go on. We will make mistakes in life, but we can improve from them.
Tom Hardiman shares his experience as an Olympic athlete and his feeling that the ear of the Lord has turned towards us.
Shawn Bolz shares some of his personal life testimony. He also shares on being Christian in the entertainment business.
Josh Baldwin and Amber Brooks lead a dynamic and powerful of worship. Rick Joyner speaks a sobering message about what is happening in our country in terms of our religious freedom in contrast with the proliferation of Islam and it's growing influence in our country.